Whoa, whoa, whoa – am not!
I gotta be honest, I don’t want to have sex for five straight hours, or six, or seven, or however long Sting and other tantric-maniacs claim their sex lasts. I’m sorry. I don’t. I’m busy. I have things to get done. I don’t have the time, the attention span, or the desire to be bumping uglies for that long. I think from first kiss (or first “action”) initiating sex, to me finishing my sandwich, the elapsed-time should only be say … 2 hours … 2 hours and fifteen minutes … at most two and half hour - tops.
Sure there are going to be exceptions when it may last a lot longer than that (honeymoon, anniversaries, drunken nights), or a lot shorter than that (public sex, quickies, drunken nights, during a commercial break of the KU basketball game), but I’d say on average, 75 minutes is perfect for me. I am all about efficiency, and if both parties involved can leave totally satisfied within 75 minutes, why waste 5 hours? I have other stuff in life that needs my time and attention.
Now before all the women start emailing me, saying I’ll never get laid again, consider this:
How many things in life do you actually want to spend five consecutive hours doing?
I started to come-up with a list. Here is what I have so far …
- A Godfather Marathon
- Sleep
- A Soprano’s Marathon
That’s it.
As much as I love gambling, I don’t want to play blackjack for 5 straight hours unless I am on one helluva of a winning streak. Sporting events usually don’t last 5 hours. Reading for that amount of time eventually puts you to sleep. Meals don’t last that long. Heck, neither does church. Do you ever want to have a heart-to-heart conversation with a significant-other that lasts 300 minutes? (Women don’t answer that) And how many people would work less than 5 hours a day if given the choice? My point is, while sex is very special and I certainly want my partner to be totally satisfied, I don’t want to spend hour-upon-hour doing it. I love sex, but I love doing a lot of other things in life, too. Between 45 minutes and 2 hours is just about right.
Lets look at it this way. I am of the opinion that unless it’s an epic, movies shouldn’t never-ever reach the three hour mark. Same with sex. If you are telling the story of The Titanic or William Wallace, it’s understandable that you are going to need some time to do the film correctly. Just like if you are intimately commemorating something epic with your significant-other, you are going to need time to develop sub-plots, build tension, get in the right mood, work on character arcs, establish a good soundtrack, and so forth. But just like every movie isn’t a three-hour epic, every sex session shouldn’t be either. We all get antsy and our minds start to wander when a movie drags too long, same thing in the bedroom.
Maybe I am missing something crucial about this whole tantra-thing, but it seems to me that tantra, just like Sting, is overrated and long winded.
I agree. Sometimes you just need to get in there and get the job done. Not that you can't have fun while it lasts, but it does not need to take up your whole weekend.
I am glad there is at least one woman out there who understands! Thank you, Roxanne!
PS- Coincidental your name is Roxanne the first time I write about Sting.
Yeah, that is ironic. Although Roxanne is just my alias. If I ever decided to be a porn star, that is the name I would use.
What would be your fake last name?
Neither one of us are experts on this subject, Bill. You are under the impression that just because it has the word "sex" that it's just a prolonged intercourse.
From the little I know of it, it's supposed to heighten your sexual awareness, lift your spiritual energy and develop a closeness with your partner beyond physical boundaries. Someone told me, in a nutshell, tantric sex isn't about the "destination", it's about the journey.
For someone fond of taking journeys (literally AND figuratively speaking), I'm shocked at your distaste for it. :-D
Very well said, Cooney - especially coming from a Cornhusker!
Write something new!
Yeah, serously - I am going through withrawl!
I haven't put that much thought into it. Maybe I'd just be a first name only star....like Sting?
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