My sister-in-law, Vanessa, Saturday morning at breakfast discussing Las Vegas.
Packing. Women are often criticized, mocked and humiliated by men for their penchant to over-pack. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t made jokes and laughed about a women’s 1) size of a suitcase 2) weight of a suitcase 3) number of suitcases. But sadly, I think my days of making fun of women for over-packing are over. Let me tell you why.
It was 106° in Vegas yesterday. So obviously I am going to be wearing shorts in fear that my legs might actually start on fire if I wear anything else. However at night, especially if we go out (which we will), I am going to need to wear jeans. And I need to bring more than one pair because I hate clothes that smell like smoke and in the event that a drink gets spilled on me. But what if we go to a nice club or restaurant? Well, that means I need to bring pants, too. I am not the type of guy to wear sandals with jeans or pants, so that means I need to bring shoes. I wish I could say that standard black shoes would match with everything I wear, but they don’t, so add on brown shoes to join my black shoes and sandals. I can’t wear black socks with brown shoes, so throw those into the pile, as well. Oh, and don’t forget brown and black belts. (Am I starting to sound gay yet? Just asking) Like I said earlier, it’s going be surface-of-the-sun hot in Vegas, so I certainly can’t wear the same shirt that I was sweating in all day long to the bars, clubs and restaurants – which means at least two shirts per day (I might layer, you never know … okay, now I sound gay). Did I mention swimming trunks, boxers, sunglasses and a visor/hat? Good God that’s a lot of crap for a three day/four night excursion!
Men’s clothing is easily double the size of womens. Our shorts, shirts, underwear and pants are all bigger than most women’s. And lets not forget our shoes, which dwarf most women’s feet. Why do I bring all this up? Because my suitcase for the trip to Vegas is going to be the same size and weight as a Mini-Cooper.

“C is for Crunk”
The clever message on the t-shirt of the guy my friend Jasmine was dancing with on Friday night.
Movie Review Time!
I caught a Saturday night viewing of War of the Worlds. Much to my pleasant surprise, I didn’t hate the movie and found it pretty entertaining. And one awkward scene aside, when Tom Cruise argues with a reporter about the history of air travel at the scene of a plane crash, the first two acts of the movie are really well done. Though it would have been nice if somewhere in the movie Spielberg could have paid homage to Orson Wells’ radio broadcast.
What prevented this movie from being excellent, and in some instances very haunting, were the problems scattered throughout the entire third act. After composing a handful of chilling and solid scenes (minus the above mentioned scene at the site of a plane crash where somehow the only surviving object was Tom Cruise’s stolen car) they did a great job depicting how the world might realistically react to an alien invasion. From a sad picture of everyday people fighting for the only working vehicle; to the point of a man pulling out a shattered windshield with only his bare hands, and then later another man shooting someone for possession of a car, to Tom Cruise’s son pulling people onto a ferry to save their lives (or so they thought), to more subtle images of a passenger train speeding by, totally on fire, or bodies floating down a river, Spielberg did a great job of removing some of the silly scenes that other such films, i.e. – Independence Day, routinely pepper throughout in a movie like this. The scope of the film is also effective. Instead of telling us the stories of the President of the United States, a group of everyday Americans and soldiers in the Air Force, they keep the focus just on Tom Cruise and his family. This works well because you sympathize with his confusion, his lack of information, the loneliness and any confident sense of what to do next.
And then the third act starts.
(By the way, the aliens look they are the love child from the ones in Independence Day and Alien)

This summer has been filled with movies that I enjoyed but wouldn’t say I loved, i.e. - Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Despite tons of faults, I enjoyed Star Wars - Episode 3, and Cinderella Man was solid; War of the Worlds falls somewhere in-between. The first two acts were good enough and some of the other scenes, especially those in Tim Robbins’ house (you could have heard a piece of popcorn hit the floor in theatre during those parts where the aliens are looking around the house, it was so quiet) were effective enough, that the movie is definitely worth seeing despite all the third act blunders. Am I going to buy the DVD? No. But it does warrant a B- grade and a "go see" recommendation.
1 comment:
I think you are still going to have room to make fun of us females. You are forgetting about the blow dryer(the ones in the hotel never work like your own personal one), the straightening iron, and the curling iron. And then the numerous kinds of "delicates" we have to bring in order to accomodate every outfit we are planning on wearing - even back-up outfits.
And then we have our whole skin care line, and in another SEPARATE bag would be the make up, and lets not forget that there is daytime make up and then night time make up, and our make up to go clubbing - so we will be noticed. And I forgot to mention probably a few stylying products for our hair. And then we have lotions galore (we don't like to always smell like cucumber melon, we have to mix it up). And then we also need reading material, like two or three novels (who would finish that on 3 day trip completely planned out?) and then maybe a few magazines as well.
I would go into clothes...but we all know what that's like, we may have smaller clothes but we can still outpack you men :) And shoes, while yours might be a little more substantial we have high heels, kitten heels, tennis shoes (one pair for walking around that look stylish, and one pair just in case we go to the gym - I said just in case), then we have the sandals - flats, high heels, moderate heels, and for me that one pair of red high heels, they will go with NOTHING except for maybe one outfit that is packed...but 3.5 inch heels aren't stowed away easily in a suitcase. And then we are going to have the big purse that we take on the plane that will hold everything that we need to entertain us for 1-4 hours (as well as a little bit of make up, lotion, perfume, etc.), but more handbags will be needed my friend! We will need small ones to out dancing so we aren't weighed down, we will need shopping handbags that will hold a little bit more, but still won't hinder us from buying more piles of crap, and again one or two bags that we bought specifically to only go with one or two outfits. And each one of these bags probably has different accessories to actually go in that bag - since we will have to have at least a different lipstick for those bags.
While you may need a mini cooper, I think women (at least myself) could fill up a Ram Van (seats 15 comfortably), with all of our stuff - we are just now limited to the airlines' 2 suitcase rule...otherwise there would be no stopping us (I've always wondered why I felt the need to pack like I was going on safari to Africa in the middle of nowhere...if I REALLY NEEDED something, anywhere I'm going will have someplace for me to get that item).
So go ahead...crack a joke at us - most of us know we're crazy.
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